Google Summer of Code Proposal: Language Packs Final

Personal Details

Name: Marko Novaković
Personal Website:
Skype ID or GTalk: mare.dragon (Skype) (GTalk)
IRC nick: mare34
Phone number: +381 64 2956 756
School Name: School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Years completed: I finished a bachelor degree and I am studying the master course now.
PHP Experience Level: Intermediate/Advanced (2 years).
WordPress Experience Level: Plugin/theme developer (1 year).

Project Description

Link to project description on WordPress-powered blog:

Describe your idea in detail: I have chosen Language Packs from proposed GSoC ideas. The goal of this idea is to separate tasks of plugin developers, core contributors and translators, automating more tasks. This task should be divided in two separate projects. The first is in the GlotPress side, which is the bridge between plugin repository and GlotPress. The second is in the plugin side. The bridge is in the responsibility of team and the plugin project is in my responsibility. Read the rest of this entry »

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